Jan 18th, 2018 around12.00 PM
Met the doctor laxmi for the final check up. She insisted to join into the hospital within a couple of days. But we weren't ready. After a day thinking and suggestions, the next day we turned up to the hospital by 6 PM.
We took the first floor, 2B room. There was a one single bed of slim size and another bed of tall height of medium size, mostly not suitable for the patients. We confirmed that was the bed for the visitors.
Jan 19th, 12.00 AM.
The first pill was given to the patient and the nurses sent the remaining people out. Hearing only the sounds of radiology, seems like someone trying to find the missing aliens. The nurse called back those who were standing out after half an hour.
They found a white box newly in their room . Oh acha, pehle suna wo sounds iss se aaye (Oh, the previously heard sounds came from this box!!!).
Everyone got ready for their snaps except the patient. She was in utter confusion and a fear ran over her spine.
Jan 20th 04:00 AM.
Someone knocked the door. The nurses came back to give the second dose. But this time they didn't send anyone to outside.
They applied a gel on the stomach and a handler has made to run over on the stomach by clockwise and then anti clockwise. They trying to find the particular sound, but it was not easy. After a struggle, a lub-dub sound screaming from the chatter box. The graph rate was around 130 beats per second and paper coming out by noting down all the beats without an escape.
That is my love at first sight.
Jan 20th 09:00 AM
Because of the long tiredness and sleeplessness, I took a long nap than usual. After the satisfying my hungry, I returned back to the hospital.
Jan 20th 03:00 PM
After coming to the hospital, I stunned after seeing my wife. She is not same when I looked in the morning. Her eyes covered with half black circles, her hair scattered and stands on the air, she just sat half bed by half legs out. By the time, we are expecting the delivery pains to be started and there was no clue for it.
Jan 20th 04:30 PM
A nurse came in her dark blue navy dress insisted the patient to come up to the second floor for the check up. My wife with her body weight carrying another baby slowly ramped to the lift. In another few minutes, the same nurse came back and asked us to give the three Saree's and a coconut oil.
My mother-in-law and sister-in-law started the prayers and I followed them.
Jan 20th 05:00 PM
Another news bought by the sister, doctor want us to come to the second floor. A fear rolled in our hearts, and heart beats like a drum.
We and in-laws went to the second floor. The doctor wear the green dress which fit for the operation theatre. She boldly said, I am doing the C-section as there was no clue of expected labour pains.
With a shock, we turn our heads and faced each other. After a pause, I said Ok Doctor. She closed the door and we came back to pay the fare.
Jan 20th 05:30 PM
We got another news from the same nurse, the patient wants to see us. We took the steps and went as soon as possible.
My wife stood at the operation theatre main door. As soon as she saw us, she broke into long tears. We made to sit her near by chair and boosted up her courage. We just wiped the tears and asked us, do this for the baby. Don't you want the baby boy? She countered us, No, I need a baby girl. We waved and sent back to the OT.
Jan 20th 06:10 PM
After she went, a thousand of thoughts passed over our little minds. Everyone prays for god. But my gut feels different, it is not different from the morning. I don't know the feeling of it. It started roaring until it hears a baby cry. The butterflies in my stomach flies away after the pediatrician came us and poured the news into our ears that you had a baby girl, baby cried and everything was normal. For this good news, we have been waiting for the 39 weeks 5 days. We counted each and every second.
Jan 20th 07:30 PM
The room filled with the recent graduates, where fathers and mothers became grand fathers and mothers and my wife as a MOTHER and also helped me to graduated as a FATHER.
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