Friday, July 26, 2019

A porter - Railway coolie

"I woke up joyfully and actively in the morning to start my day. I dressed up with a Red Shirt and a Khaki Short, wearing my badge on the right hand biceps. I prayed to the God before my work and listed my wishes in-front of Him.  
It is a 3 km drive from my home to the destination, I parked my vehicle and waved the people who encountered on my way. I like to greet the people with a smile. 
I am a railway coolie at Vysarpadi Station. I am standing on the platform No.1 and near to exit gate of the station. I have been eagerly waiting for a call, but none of the them had called me. I see a mixture of age groups who have been walking towards me with a trolley. A few of them, have been carrying luggage more than their weight, with both the hands and dragging towards me, I couldn't take my eyes from bags.
                      I have asked few of them, but so many has denied to take help of this coolie. I have been staring at the each bag that crossing me without help of mine. When all the travelers crossed me, a drop of tear turned down from my eyes. I have been cursing Him, for not fulfilling my wishes, but at the end I have been praying again to show me the way. I don't know any work other than this."

I have been observing the railway coolie from the window by sitting inside the train, I see wet eyes, for his urge to help the people in luggage. I observe where his under work has been soon vanishing as the style of luggage we are using has been changed from hand suitcases to trolley, the pavements have been made flat, lifts are rolling up and down at the corner and there are ease to drag the luggage by the pulley.
Even I wonder why in some railway stations there will be an escalator to go up but not the down(I go by train from Tamabaram, where there is an escalator to go up but not the down), then I thought myself, may be the government have foresee that the railway coolie should be live up their job. The ease of work innovations will put so many jobs at stake, and not all the innovations will help everybody.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Love Story - Story after Love

After so long back, I have been writing this Love Story. Instead of saying Love Story, I say, this is the story after the love.

Love Blossoms....

We don't know when the Love will stuck to our heart. But that is the time, you see the real in you. I say, you will live as the real person. And that is special. Because love digs out both the best and bad in you.

The little things always come in place for the queen; the rain drizzles, the moon brightness, the hand-in-hand walks, every things seems too cherish and feel be to live in the same utopia forever.

But the god decides the other way, I know, 99.99% of the love stories will fail. Sorry, the love will never fail, only the people will fail in love. What ever may be the reason,

Whoever the girl I see, You are there.
Wherever the place I go, You stand my side.
Whatever the dreams I dive, You will be with me.
Whatever I eat, You share me the half.
Whatever I talk, your name die at the end of the lips,

But why you have gone, still the mystery for me. Why we apart, still unknown.

Will you come back? Will we re-unite?? May be not in this time, I will re-born the life till I meet you?

I have been waiting for you...... forever. 

Saturday, March 16, 2019

A narrow line between the man to man

I have completed my office work and on the way to home. I caught my bus from the near by bus stop. I took the last row in the bus and sat at the center seat.

In the next stop, an old man wearing a white dhoti and shirt with a red bag on his shoulders and old slippers on the foot inquired the bus conductor, whether it will go to PTC?

Yes, the conductor said.

The bus started from the stop and the old man also sat on one of the empty seat.

Again he inquired what is the charge for bus? It's nine rupees.

He was in bit disgust and took two twenty rupee notes. He counted it for 2 times.

He is very sad that he was spending the more on the bus, which I read from his space. Finally he gave one twenty rupee note to the conductor. The conductor gave him back the ticket with a change. He murmured and few curses about his fortune and stating through the window of the bus.

I have witnessed all the emotions sitting at the back seat in the bus. I thought like, whether he earned only that two twenty rupee notes for the day(forty rupees) and spent on the bus. How could he eat for the day with the remaining money?

In the mean time, my gaze fell on the near by, where the guy, around his late 20's, with a bluetooth head set over his head, a branded messenger bag on his side and puma shoes on the foot rolling his head to the music. He had put the mobile phone so close to his face and watching the video song.
He took out two hundred rupees note from the pocket and asked to give a ticket to the PTC.

Conductor asked for a change.

He took the head set from one of the ear and asked again.


He put back the headset and nodded the head from side to side.

The conductor murmured about the big notes & also about the guy who boarded without a change.

He charged more than his stop and returned the ticket and change.

The bus reached the bus stop and both were stepped out from the bus. They crossed over each other and started to walk in the opposite directions.