Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Love Story - Story after Love

After so long back, I have been writing this Love Story. Instead of saying Love Story, I say, this is the story after the love.

Love Blossoms....

We don't know when the Love will stuck to our heart. But that is the time, you see the real in you. I say, you will live as the real person. And that is special. Because love digs out both the best and bad in you.

The little things always come in place for the queen; the rain drizzles, the moon brightness, the hand-in-hand walks, every things seems too cherish and feel be to live in the same utopia forever.

But the god decides the other way, I know, 99.99% of the love stories will fail. Sorry, the love will never fail, only the people will fail in love. What ever may be the reason,

Whoever the girl I see, You are there.
Wherever the place I go, You stand my side.
Whatever the dreams I dive, You will be with me.
Whatever I eat, You share me the half.
Whatever I talk, your name die at the end of the lips,

But why you have gone, still the mystery for me. Why we apart, still unknown.

Will you come back? Will we re-unite?? May be not in this time, I will re-born the life till I meet you?

I have been waiting for you...... forever.